Napoleon Dynamite t-shirt

This form:

<FONT FACE="verdana" SIZE=-1 COLOR=#000000>
<B>Napoleon Dynamite t-shirt</B><BR>
Right out of the hit movie!<BR>
<B>Price: $18</B>

<TD><img src=""></TD>

<TD align="center">
<FONT FACE="verdana" SIZE=-1 COLOR=#000000>Choose your size:</font><br>
<SELECT NAME=custom2 SIZE=1>
<OPTION>XXL +$2.00
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=name    VALUE="Napoleon Dynamite t-shirt">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=img     VALUE="napoleon_t.jpg">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=continue_shopping  VALUE="">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=product_details  VALUE="">
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=custom1 VALUE="Be the first of your friends to wear this ultra-cool t-shirt right out of the movie!">
Makes this:

Napoleon Dynamite t-shirt
Right out of the hit movie!
Price: $18
Choose your size:

Notes about this form:

  • This product form can be copied and pasted into any web page. You can adjust the product details like the name, price, img, and the "custom1", and "custom2" details.
  • This form uses a select menu which sends the shopper's size selection to the cart. If the shopper chooses the XXL t-shirt, $2 is added to the price of the t-shirt. This is a special "custom price add-on" feature of the cart. It works by using a plus symbol '+' followed by the currency symbol your cart uses: '$', followed by a number, in one of the custom tags of your form. In this case:
    <OPTION>XXL +$2.00
  • The image of the product is passed to the cart with this tag:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=img VALUE="napoleon_t.jpg">
    Notice this is just the name of the graphic and not a full URL to the image. The full URL to the graphic is:
    The reason a full URL to the graphic was not necessary is the cart already knows where to find the product images:
    2 URL to images or thumb-nail directory -->
    This feature is a convenience for the merchant or webmaster who is creating product forms.
  • The "product_details" URL is where you want shoppers taken to if they click the image or name of the product in the cart contents page. This allows each product in the cart to contain its own link back to the product page where it was originally found by the shopper. The cart has a feature that works with this tag:
    5 Linking to product_details -->1
    See "General Settings Variable" #5 in the Readme for complete details.
  • Notice that all forms begin with an ACTION tag that includes the URL to the script, and end with a closing </FORM> tag.
    Beginning of form: <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="">
    End of form: </FORM>
    Note: The URL of the script in the ACTION tag should always be a full URL and it should always exactly match the URL to the cart that you have in Server Variable #1 of the vars.txt file:
    1 Full URL location to script -->

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